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Early careers

Career stories: Xuan

Expect collaboration

“If I could go back to my first day at Freshfields, I would tell myself to not be intimidated because you're about to meet some of the most collaborative and collegiate people that you've ever worked with” says Xuan Boh who is a second seat trainee at Freshfields. Originally from Singapore, she studied in London and decided to stay when she got accepted onto the trainee associate programme. Since joining, she’s had a taste of the international opportunities the firm offers. “I’ve been able to be in deals with people from Frankfurt and Dubai. I think that’s emblematic of how the firm is because it’s a lot of people coming together from very different backgrounds working towards a shared goal”.

Xuan has been exposed to a wide variety of work: client matters, pro bono and business development. She says Freshfields is distinguished from competition by its eight-seat trainee associate programme. “You’re able to explore so many different areas in the firm without having to worry about strategically choosing which seat you want for qualification”.

The responsibility she has been given surprised her initially. “You’re not just a trainee, you’re whatever is required in the deal,” she explains, “it fosters a sense of responsibility that is hard to find. It’s the best part of working at Freshfields”. For example, her experience working on the pro bono Z2K project enabled Xuan to take charge of client matters and treat them like her own. “My role has been to assist associates on the pension benefits appeals and it’s been a wonderful experience so far. The work that you do when you’re a trainee on a pro bono matter can sometimes be even more substantive than on a client matter because you’re able to lead work streams on your own”.

Xuan says she’s always felt supported by the firm. One example is the buddy and supervisor programmes. “My primary supervisor tracks my growth, and my work is usually attached to theirs”. At Freshfields, all trainees also have secondary supervisors who help you fit into the firm as you can talk to them informally about any challenges you might face. “I’m currently working with an associate who gives me honest and constructive feedback and is always happy to recognise my contributions to client work. That’s what makes it so wonderful to work here”.

Being able to give back has always been one of Xuan’s goals and she is currently a trainee buddy on the summer vacation scheme. “I'm the first person in my family to become a lawyer, and my aim is to help other people who come from a similar background as me to move towards a similar career”.