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Our work
Our work
We have a wide range of clients and a huge variety of work.
You have impact, empowering success, with recognition as you progress.
In Vietnam we work with high-profile clients on major transactions. Our key practice areas are corporate (investment and acquisitions), corporate finance (public and private; funds), infrastructure and antitrust.
Our experience spans many sectors, including:
- the development and financing of Vietnam's infrastructure, including power, water, ports, oil and gas, airports, roads and soft infrastructure projects;
- privatisations of state-owned companies and divestments of their assets;
- technology, media and telecoms;
- financial institution groups;
- healthcare and education;
- investment funds;
- competition; and
- dispute resolution.
Our lawyers work in a practice area but become knowledgeable in how the law affects a particular sector.
We also don’t distinguish between paid and pro bono work and involve both lawyers and Business Services. We represent a range of cases focusing on our target groups that include women, children and LGBT+.