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关于 Mathilde Beaumunier

Mathilde is a French-qualified competition lawyer.

She joined our Berlin antitrust, competition and trade practice in January 2017 and works on multijurisdictional merger filings, vertical agreements and cartel investigations where she advises clients across all industries with a focus on industrial and financial sectors.

During her time at Freshfields, Mathilde spent six months on secondment in-house with a large international bank and was also seconded to our Rome and London offices.

Mathilde speaks English and German in addition to native French.

She is also a member of the Community Impact team of the Berlin office. 



  • University of Burgundy, France (Master Degree in International Business Law)
  • University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Certificate in Legal Studies)

Professional qualifications

  • French-qualified lawyer (Avocate à la Cour, Paris Bar)
  • Registered as European Lawyer with the Chamber of Lawyers in Berlin, Germany (Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin)


  • Member of Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, an association of German-speaking competition lawyers
  • Member of W@Competition