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关于 Tiffany Hui
Tiffany is an associate in our commercial dispute resolution group in London, specialising in Antitrust Litigation. She advises on competition disputes, collective proceedings and group litigation, with particular experience in advising on follow-on competition claims in the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
Tiffany also has experience in pro bono work, focusing on human rights. During her time at Freshfields, Tiffany has spent six months on secondment to the National Council of Civil Liberties' legal team.
- Advising Mastercard in the Merricks v Mastercard proceedings, which was the first major consumer claim under the UK collective proceedings regime and one of the largest damages claims in the UK courts (with a claim value currently estimated at around £10 billion). The proceedings addressed a series of preliminary issues trials and appeals, on matters including causation, limitation and exemption, in 2023 and into 2024, and will be followed by a six-week pass-on trial in late 2024 / early 2025.
- Advising Mastercard in the collective proceedings brought by two special purpose vehicles (brought on an opt-in and opt-out basis) in relation to its commercial card interchange fees.
- Advising Volvo/Renault Trucks on the defence of follow-on litigation following the imposition of record cartel fines by the European Commission in the English and Romanian courts.
- Advising Freedom from Torture in their intervention in the Court of Appeal, in the high profile challenge to the UK government's Rwanda removals scheme.
- Advising individuals on their disability benefits appeals, with the Zacchaeus 2000 Trust.
- University of Cambridge (Law, First Class)
- Qualified solicitor (England & Wales)