Profile details
关于 Dr. Georg Roderburg
Georg specialises in the taxation of German and international taxation of corporations, the tax structuring of M&A transactions, corporate restructurings and tax litigation.
In addition, he advises families and family offices on their national and international income and inheritance tax planning matters including the structuring of foundations and of charitable organisations.
He speaks German, English and French.
- Advising Vossloh on the sale of Vossloh Kiepe to Knorr-Bremse.
- Advising Meyer Group on setting up two family foundations as new holding entities for the two group-branches.
- Advising ADAC e.V. on its restructuring and the implementation of a charitable foundation.
- Advising Triton on the acquisition of the industrial services branch of the technology group Voith (Heidenheim).
- Advising General Atlantic (US) on the sale of its majority shareholding in the laboratory specialist amedes Holding AG (Germany to the infrastructure fund Antin Infrastructure Partners (UK/France)).
- Representing RWE, E.ON and EnBW in a claim against various tax assessments for German Nuclear Fuel Tax based on possible breaches of European and constitutional law by the relevant tax provisions.
University of Cologne (Dr. jur)
Professional qualifications
Rechtsanwalt, Germany
Klaus Tikpe Award 2000
Förderpreis Deutsches Wissenschaftliches Institut der Steuerberater 2004