Profile details
关于 Eva Schneider
Eva Schneider is a financial services lawyer in our Global Transactions practice. She advises global companies on banking, payments, investment, insurance and AML legal and regulatory matters – both as stand-alone advice on complex contractual, compliance and risk questions and in the context of high-profile and cross-border M&A and financing transactions, reorganisations, joint ventures/cooperations, disputes, investigations and regulatory enforcement actions.
Eva also has extensive experience in navigating global notification and approval requirements in connection with changes in shareholding structures, managing multi-jurisdictional ownership control proceedings and dealing with multiple regulatory authorities worldwide, including providing related advice on strategic aspects and legal tech solutions. Another focus of her practice is advising on regulatory change, including developments related to innovation (e.g. digitalisation, fintech, crypto) and ESG in the financial sector. Her broad client base includes investors and businesses from a variety of sectors, including financial, technology and industrial companies.
Eva has spent time on secondment to a global mobile payment service provider and in our Frankfurt and Amsterdam offices. As an active member of the firm's core Fintech Group, Financial Institutions Group, Sustainability Group, Risk, Conduct & Compliance Group and CEE team, she regularly presents externally and internally at conferences and workshops.
She speaks German, English, French and Italian.
Transactional work
- Advising a global automotive group with over 150 regulated financial services entities and/or its family shareholders on financial regulatory notification and approval requirements in approximately 60 jurisdictions in connection with M&A transactions, reorganisations, licensings or changes of the ownership control regime based on our Multi-Jurisdictional Insights tool and representing the clients in ownership control proceedings in approximately 20 jurisdictions (up to 30 proceedings per jurisdiction in parallel).
- Advising Western Union on global financial regulatory aspects of the $910 million sale of its global "Western Union Business Solutions" payments and derivatives business through a combination of share and asset deals to Convera, the largest non-bank fintech in global B2B payments, including advising on financial regulatory notification and approval requirements in approximately 40 jurisdictions.
- Advising Porsche Automobil Holding SE on global financial regulatory aspects in relation to the €9.4 billion IPO, and the €10.1 billion acquisition of 25%+1 of the ordinary shares, of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.
- Advising Barclays on financial regulatory aspects of the sale of its Consumer Bank Europe, a €4.7 billion retail banking business with credit card, consumer loan and deposit franchises serving customers in Germany and Austria, to BAWAG.
- Advising a global private equity firm on financial regulatory aspects of its acquisition of an international healthcare and insurance group through a fund-based structure, including assisting in change in control proceedings and with AIFMD notifications.
- Advising a global systemically important institution on financial regulatory aspects of the transfer of its Austrian asset management business to another group entity.
- Advising one of Austria's largest banks on the passporting of its banking licence in connection with the establishment of a branch in Germany.
- Advising German and Austrian banks on various securitisations and other structured financings, e.g. (i) a €100 million asset-backed securitisation via a Luxembourg SPV and the SPV's refinancing through notes and a multicurrency credit facility or (ii) securitisations of lease and loan receivables in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria, taking into account financial regulatory requirements.
Advisory work
- Advising on a tech-based cooperation project aiming to enable interoperability of European mobile payment schemes across 14 jurisdictions, including structural, financial regulatory and contractual advice.
- Advising an Asia-based payment, e-money and digital services provider and e-commerce platform on a range of digital products and innovative business lines, including advising on licensing requirements and customer contracts / terms and conditions (B2B and B2C) across Europe.
- Advising Trade Republic on the expansion and internationalisation of its European crypto-asset business.
- Advising an Austrian crypto custody provider on its registration as a virtual asset service provider with the FMA.
- Advising a Lithuanian digital bank on requirements applicable to its service offering in 21 European jurisdictions.
- Advising a major Italian bank on complex PSD2 questions.
- Advising 18 companies of an international industrial group, including financial entities and ICT third-party service providers, on DORA compliance matters.
- Advising a number of credit institutions and insurance undertakings on capital, organisational and other requirements (e.g. own funds and liquidity, governance, policies and procedures, outsourcing, remuneration, fit & proper, etc.) on an ongoing basis.
Investigations, enforcement and disputes work
- Advising a global banking group on internal AML compliance investigations.
- Advising various banks and crypto-asset service providers in proceedings before the FMA in connection with alleged non-compliance with AML and sanctions requirements and related internal compliance projects.
- Advising an Austrian bank on disputes with customers regarding its refusal to process payments to sanctioned countries.
- Vienna University of Economics and Business – economics with a focus on money, credit and finance (MSc)
- Università Bocconi – international economics (exchange semester)
- University of Graz – law (Mag.iur.)
- Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) – international relations and European affairs (exchange year)
- University of Graz – business administration with a focus on international management (BSc)
Professional qualification
- Rechtsanwältin, Vienna bar, Austria
Professional experience
Before joining the firm, Eva worked in the European Parliament’s legal service (economic and monetary affairs) in Brussels, the Austrian trade commission in Seoul, an Austria-based bank as well as courts and authorities in Vienna.