Implementing mass redundancies in Europe
Our new mass redundancies guide highlights some of the key legal features of redundancy scenarios in a number of European countries. At EU level, Directive (98/59/EC) aims to improve protection for workers affected by collective redundancies, setting out rules on the information and consultation of workers’ representatives before the redundancies are made, as well as provisions on practical support for the employees who are laid off. However, despite the common source for the laws governing mass redundancies, local differences remain significant. As a global employer planning to carry out collective redundancies in selected jurisdictions, it is therefore important to understand the differences in legislation between these. In this guide, we attempt to answer many of the questions you might be faced with and help you navigate the legal risks and likely challenges that may arise, by outlining the circumstances in which collective redundancies occur, if and when consultation is required, the steps to be followed, selection criteria, costs and penalties.
Download the guide below.