Listed Company Academy - 29 April 2021
Listed Company Academy: Disciplined Decision-making
Practical guidance for supporting boards in discharging their duties
The slides and video recording of the session are available here:
- Slides for Listed Company Academy: Disciplined decision-making – 29 April 2021
- Video recording of the session
In this Listed Company Academy, which was held on 29 April 2021, we provided practical guidance on how clients can best support their board of directors in discharging their duties, focusing on:
- best practice in board decision-making at group and subsidiary level and related reporting obligations;
- regulator and investor expectations on governance; and
- the impact of the new Pension Schemes Act on corporate activity and director liability.
We also discussed our thoughts on the proposed governance and audit reforms and what they mean for listed companies.
If you have any questions, please contact Rós Ní Dhubháin, Head of Listed Companies.